Professional headshot of Annamarie Salomonsson

Annamarie Salomonsson

People & Culture Recruiter

Executive Summary

Annamarie received a bachelor's in accounting from Saint Mary’s College of California. Her interview tip is, “Take the time to research the firm and the role. Practice STAR method responses to questions and have examples prepared to support your answers. Remember to breathe and be yourself. People respond best to you when they can tell you are being genuine.”

Get to know Annamarie

What do you do in your free time?

I enjoy running, yoga and anything that gets me outside in the sunshine. I also like reading and spending time with my cat and dog.  

What does thriving mean to you?

Thriving means enjoying what you do and being able to show up authentically in every situation. 

What do you enjoy most about working for BDO?

I like the flexibility and how much everyone supports each other. It sounds cheesy, but BDO really puts people first. 

What’s the best concert you’ve seen?

Bruno Mars

People who know opportunity, know BDO.

Annamarie Salomonsson