CHIPS Act Incentives Interest Form

The CHIPS Incentives Program aims to catalyze long-term economically sustainable growth in the domestic semiconductor industry in support of U.S. (United States) economic and national security. BDO USA, LLP welcomes the opportunity to aid your company in compiling and completing a successful application. This Request for Information is designed to gather the data required to complete a Preapplication for CHIPS Act Incentives.  

Please provide as much information as possible when filling out this interest form.  As the process continues, additional or updated information will be required, including but not limited to company financials, ownership and organizational structure. If there is information you have not yet determined or cannot answer currently, please fill it out as N/A. Once our team reviews the submitted information, we will contact you for next steps. 

Please click below to fill out the interest form. Please note that you cannot save your progress on this form; please use the document linked here to gather general information needed to complete the form. 

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