Could you increase your business cash flow by accelerating federal tax depreciation?
If you own a commercial or residential building with a tax liability, you may benefit from a cost segregation analysis. Opportunities exist for:
- Newly constructed or acquired buildings
- Buildings constructed or acquired in prior years
- Significant remodel, renovation, or expansion activities
- Property constructed or purchased during or after 1988
Use our simple calculator to estimate the benefits of performing a cost segregation study.
(Must be over $100,000)
Based on a review of the information you provided and our experience with similar projects, we estimate that the benefits will be as follows:
Increased Depreciation
(Assumes % bonus)
Increased Depreciation
NPV of Increased Cash Flow
(% Federal Tax Rate,
% over Remaining Life of Assets)
Complimentary Cost Segregation Review
Could you be increasing your business cash flow? Our team of specialized engineers, construction professionals, and licensed CPAs has performed cost segregation studies of nearly every conceivable type of commercial development over the last 30 years. Contact us for a complimentary Cost Segregation Review.
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