Year-End Tax Planning for Private Client Services
1.0 CPE Credit
in the Field of Taxes
Delivery: This webcast will be delivered via the BDO Online CPE Network
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Prep: None
Program Level: Basic
Learning Objectives:
Cite updates in the tax code or new cases in tax court that occurred in 2024 which impact high-net-worth individuals and families.
Describe tax planning techniques that can be used for mitigating income or estate tax liabilities, given the right set of facts and circumstances.
Recognize activities and/or behaviors which may trigger or complicate state tax audits for high-net-worth individuals.
Information about CPE eligibility:
To receive CPE credit for participation in a live program you must check-in at the beginning and actively participate throughout the session. You will receive an email notification once the attendance record has been processed, including instructions on how to access your CPE certificate. If you need to leave mid-session, please visit the registration desk prior to leaving.
Please Note: Per BDO USA’s CPE Compliance Policy, CPE will not be issued for programs that fail to comply with the NASBA standards, or to individuals who do not meet the attendance requirements. For questions regarding CPE credit, please contact [email protected].
Complaint Resolution Policy:
Questions, comments, or concerns can be sent to [Event Contact] at [email address].
Notes on Registration
Click register and fill out the required fields. You will receive an email confirmation with a link to add event to your calendar. If you are no longer able to attend, please contact [Event Contact] at [email address].

BDO USA, P.C. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Abbie M.B. Everist
Managing Director, National Tax Office, Private Client Services
Jeff Bilsky
Managing Principal, National Tax Office
Todd Simmens
National Managing Principal, Tax Risk Management; Technical Practice Leader, Tax Controversy & Procedure and Tax Policy & Legislation