Why Influence Is a Two-Way Street

We invite you to read this complimentary article co-authored by Jonathan Hughes, Jessica Wadd and Ashley Hetrick.

In today's complex and interconnected organization environment, the ability to effectively wield influence is more critical than ever for achieving strategic success. Traditional influence models, which often depend on authority or persuasion, increasingly fall short in areas where cross-functional collaboration is key. This article explores the transformative potential of collaborative influence, offering insights and strategies to cultivate a culture where diverse perspectives and joint problem-solving enhance decision-making and innovation. Key insights include:

  • Improving decision-making speed and quality through training in collaborative influence and fostering joint problem-solving.
  • Breaking down organizational silos and achieving broader enterprise objectives by aligning cross-functional goals and incentives.
  • Achieving better outcomes and increased innovation by nurturing a culture that values diverse perspectives through collaborative influence.
  • Embedding collaborative influence into organizational culture with practical strategies, supported by extensive research and real-world examples.

This article originally appeared in the MIT Sloan Management Review Winter 2025 Issue.