Chicago, IL - BDO Alliance USA, one of the nation’s largest alliances of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms, welcomes several new CPA firms as members. The new members are as follows: Vancouver, Washington-based Greear Kramer Monaghan, PS; Winsted, Connecticut-based King, King & Associates, PC; Seattle, Washington-based Accountability Services, PLLC; Torrance, California-based JC Accountancy Corporation; Dayton, Ohio-based Brady Ware & Company; Las Vegas, Nevada-based Campbell Jones Cohen CPAs; and Chicago, Illinois-based Maharlika PLLC. The BDO Alliance USA now has 253 CPA member firms in 712 locations nationwide.
Greear Kramer Monaghan, PS joined on January 1, 2024 and provides tax services to businesses and high-net-worth individuals in the Portland metropolitan area.
King, King & Associates, PC joined February 1, 2024 and provides tax and assurance services to businesses and high-net-worth individuals in Northwestern Connecticut and Western Massachusetts areas.
Accountability Services, PLLC joined February 1, 2024 and provides strategic accounting, tax, and advisory services for clients throughout the United States, in addition to both the Seattle and Boulder metropolitan areas.
JC Accountancy Corporation joined May 15, 2024 and provides tax services to businesses and high net worth individuals in Southern California, especially Chinese immigrants and Chinese companies expanding into the U.S.
Brady Ware & Company joined July 1, 2024 and provides assurance, tax, and advisory services to middle market businesses and high-net-worth individuals.
Campbell Jones Cohen CPAs joined July 15, 2024 and provides assurance, tax, and advisory services to small business clients in a variety of industries, as well as high-net-worth individuals in the Las Vegas area.
Maharlika PLLC joined July 15, 2024 and provides audit and assurance, internal audit, and employee benefit plan services to state and local government entities, benefit plans, and not for profit organizations.
“We are thrilled to have seven new firms joining the alliance as we continue to grow our member base in 2024.” said Michael Horwitz, BDO USA, P.C. Principal and Executive Director of Alliance Services.
About the BDO Alliance USA
The BDO Alliance USA is a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms with similar client service goals. The BDO Alliance USA presents an opportunity for these firms, by accessing the resources of BDO USA, P.C. and other Alliance members, to expand services to their clients without jeopardizing their existing relationships or their autonomy. The BDO Alliance USA was developed to provide Member firms with an alternative strategy for gaining competitive advantage in the face of a changing business landscape. The Alliance represents an opportunity for BDO to enhance relationships with reputable firms. The BDO Alliance USA is a subsidiary of BDO USA, P.C., a Virginia professional corporation.