Application Rationalization: The Need for Healthcare to Streamline Technology

Healthcare organizations rely on a multitude of applications to keep their operations running smoothly. As electronic health record (EHR) vendors continue to develop new functionality, EHR applications often overlap with disparate legacy systems which leads to redundancy in applications, and higher operating costs in the form of interface maintenance and vendor maintenance fees. Additionally, this redundancy also leads to increased cyber risks.   Evaluating your application portfolio and rationalizing or consolidating your redundant systems frees up capital which can be used for more strategic initiatives. More importantly, reducing applications, integrations, and centralizing system provisioning are best practice for enhancing security posture.  

Application rationalization in healthcare is not just a cost-saving measure; it is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing efficiency, reducing security risks, and aligning technology with organizational goals. By identifying and eliminating redundant functionalities, organizations can reduce costs, fortify their security posture, and streamline operations. BDO’s comprehensive framework helps ensure these improvements are achieved without disrupting day-to-day operations, fostering a more resilient and agile healthcare environment. 

Benefits of Application Rationalization

Cost Reduction

Identifying and eliminating redundant or underutilized applications can significantly reduce licensing, maintenance, and support costs. This not only frees up financial resources but also allows for reinvestment in more critical areas that may be underserved.

Mitigate Security Risks

Reducing the number of applications decreases the attack surface and security vulnerabilities, thereby enhancing overall cybersecurity and risk management capabilities. This is particularly crucial in healthcare, where data breaches can have severe consequences. 

Strategic Alignment

Aligning the application portfolio with the organization's strategic goals is another key benefit. Application rationalization ensures that resources are allocated to the most critical and value-adding applications, thereby supporting the organization's long-term objectives. This strategic alignment fosters a more focused and efficient use of technology.

Simplified IT Management

A streamlined application portfolio reduces complexity, making it easier to standardize, manage, and maintain the IT environment. Simplified IT management leads to more efficient operations and quicker response times to any potential service disruptions.

Tailored Application Evaluation and Implementation Roadmap

BDO collaborates with healthcare organizations to understand their unique needs, offering application portfolio rationalization assessments that can be customized for the entire enterprise or specific departments. This approach identifies clear opportunities for improvement, resulting in a detailed roadmap that outlines steps to retire, retain, consolidate, or upgrade applications. The goal is to ensure a smooth transition to the target state, minimizing any negative operational or clinical impacts.

Achieving Long-Term Organizational Goals

Interested in learning more about how Healthcare Application Rationalization can add value to your organization? Contact us today.