Helping a Medical Malpractice Insurance Provider Enhance Its Services With Data and AI-Powered Automations

Top 3 Areas of Impact

Reduced average time to complete credentialing on 200 physicians from 2 weeks to a few hours 

Empowered the underwriting process with data insight and AI risk scoring 

26,450 hours ($3.1M) of annual savings on medical records summarization


Explore how BDO helped a medical malpractice insurance company implement an AI solution with predictive modeling and generative AI to help the client make data-driven risk decisions and operate with greater efficiency.

Generative AI

Medical professionals in a meeting with presentation in background.


A physicians group providing medical malpractice coverage needed a more efficient way to analyze vast amounts of data and assess risk. With critical information dispersed across multiple systems, the process of collecting and evaluating relevant information on applicants and existing doctors had become an onerous, labor-intensive task.


Our extensive knowledge and experience within data, AI, and process automation has enabled us to craft innovative solutions that transformed our client’s operations. By leveraging advanced technologies, we have empowered our client to accomplish tasks that were previously cost-prohibitive or unattainable with high accuracy. This strategic advantage not only enhances operational efficiency but also positions our client at the forefront of its market.”

Nicolas Sandros
BDO Managing Director of Data Analytics