Hyper-Personalized Experiences through Automation and AI

Personalization in marketing is no longer solely about addressing someone by their first name; it's now the minimum expectation.

With the arrival of AI, achieving personalization requires a profound understanding of customers’ preferences, behaviors, and needs at the individual level. This is true not only in the B2C realm, but also in B2B, as B2B buyers are also consumers who expect personalized experiences as well.

Automation and AI is the key to achieving this at scale. 

The Connection Between Hyper-Personalization and Customer Experience

Hyper-personalization, once considered a nice-to-have, is rapidly becoming a necessity as more companies leverage the full potential of their marketing automation and AI tools. According to a recent Salesforce study, 88% of customers deem the experience equally as important as the product or service offered by a company. 

The takeaway?

Marketers who neglect hyper-personalization risk falling behind competitors who excel in delivering personalized experiences and therefore higher customer satisfaction levels. A significant majority (65% according to CX Network) of customer experience leaders acknowledge that customers are increasingly willing to switch brands.

Consequently, it's evident that customers are more inclined to show loyalty and recommend a company when they feel understood and valued, engaging in a real conversation rather than being treated as sales targets.

How Automation and AI Lead to Hyper-Personalization

Hyper-personalization not only fosters trust and strengthens relationships but also contributes to increased conversion, retention, and revenue.

AI algorithms leverage diverse data sources such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and lookalike audiences to gain insights into individual preferences. This enables tailored messaging and utilizing automation to deliver relevant offers to the right audience at the right time.

While sophisticated algorithms used to be available primarily to DevOps and data analysts, they are now increasingly available to end-users, with most MarTech platforms integrating AI into automation technology. Some opportunities include:

  • Improving marketing and process efficiency
  • Identifying and analyzing touchpoints   
  • Uncovering pain points
  • Segmenting audiences
  • Forecasting customer behavior and needs
  • Adapting to behavioral changes on individual and macro scale
  • Targeting campaigns with personalized content
  • Identifying new types of content to develop

With all these possibilities at hand, using AI and automation for hyper-personalization becomes a matter of adopting and implementing any process changes into your marketing strategy. This transition doesn’t have to occur all at once; small steps are important for seamless integration with your team.

Get an AI Change Management Toolkit 

That offers a structured approach for a smooth transition to AI.

How AI is Already Transforming the Marketing World

By now, most marketers have likely experimented with generative AI, but this is just one example of how AI is reshaping marketing. Here are four ways you may have come across AI, either as a consumer or a marketer:

#1—AI in Marketing Platforms

As mentioned earlier, MarTech platforms are integrating AI capabilities, including Salesforce and the Adobe Ecosystem. We’ve also explored the Chat GPT-enabled BDO Copilot for Microsoft Dynamics, making it easier for clients to understand the platform and gather data and information from their own databases. 

#2—Improving High-Value Account-Based Marketing

AI can help identify key decision-makers within target accounts along with their specific needs and preferences, enabling personalized interactions based on individual behaviors.

#3—Identifying Marketing Priorities

By analyzing marketing gaps, churn rates, and where customers are likely to fall off, AI can help identify marketing priorities, maximizing the 40-40-20 rule to evaluate which changes are likely to have the biggest impact, and the types or pieces of content to prioritize.

#4—Using AI-Powered Chatbots for Immediate Assistance

AI-driven chatbots can provide real-time assistance, enhancing the customer experience by offering timely support and fostering stronger relationships.

Are You Ready to Implement AI?

Download our checklist to make sure you have the foundational elements for a successful transition to using AI in your organization.

AI and Hyper-Personalization are the Future of Marketing

AI capabilities and uses are only just starting to emerge. Before diving in, first identify how you want to use it to create a strategic adoption plan. 

Whether initiating personalized experiences on a website, identifying key accounts and buyer committees, or enhancing the buyer journey, one thing remains certain—AI is the future. Failure to adapt could possibly mean falling behind.

Ready to explore AI but unsure where to start? BDO Digital offers a comprehensive suite of AI services suitable for companies at any stage of their AI journey. Start a conversation today.

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Discover your AI-maturity score with our 2-minute assessment.