Manufacturers’ Plans for Navigating COVID-19’s Continued Impact
At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, manufacturers faced pressure on all areas of their businesses. Although by now manufacturers have navigated the immediate turmoil of the pandemic-recession, the path ahead is paved with continued volatility and uncertainty.
To get insight into how they will meet the challenges ahead, BDO’s Manufacturing practice polled manufacturers in a recent webinar about their business plans and priorities.
Here’s what we learned:
Navigating Customer Relationships
In the wake of a recession, 32% of manufacturers are primarily focusing on customer acquisition and trying to win new clients, but customer retention, engagement and organic growth aren’t far behind.
Which of the following is your current primary focus as it relates to your customers?
Weary of a Potential COVID-19 Resurgence
Are you preparing for a potential second wave of COVID-19 infections?
Strategies for Protecting Workforce Health and Safety
Manufacturers have implemented several strategies to protect frontline workers’ health—at the top of their list are distancing work stations (34%), conducting temperature checks (25%) and installing physical barriers between workstations (20%).
Which of the following actions has your organization taken to protect frontline workers’ health?
Top Supply Chain Priorities
For additional findings and to learn how to reposition your business for future success, read our Resilience Playbook for Manufacturers: Maintaining Your Business in a Recession.