Professional Headshot of Kirstie Tiernan

Kirstie Tiernan

Practice Leader, Data Analytics

Executive Summary

Kirstie Tiernan is a practice leader in BDO Digital and co-leads the Data Analytics team. Kirstie and her team provide companies with dashboards, statistical models, and predictive analytics to turn data into information upon which key business decisions can be made. Applying her skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Kirstie regularly works with clients to increase organizational and operational efficiencies. Kirstie approaches projects with a focus on process optimization and a passion for implementing technological advancements to improve and accelerate time-consuming client operations. She helps clients make sense of the new world of Digital Transformation, including determining how it tangibly applies to a business. Kirstie serves as the co-leader of BDO’s internal Digital Transformation & Innovation initiative.

  • M.B.A, Fraud Management and Economic Crime, Utica College 
  • B.S., Computer Information Systems, Indiana University

  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Indiana Brown County Community Foundation Board of Directors