Program & Change Management

Technology without a plan is technology without a purpose

Program & change management services for success

Technological change can improve efficiency, increase security and drive revenue. To realize all the benefits of digital initiatives, companies need to have a structured adaptability approach. Change impacts how nearly all personnel go about their jobs from day to day, requiring proactive change management to ensure business success.

With comprehensive change management services, companies can reinvent themselves to accept new opportunities and meet arising challenges. They can adapt quickly, experiencing the benefits of new technologies sooner. Your organization's agility will help you maintain the competitive edge you need to stay at the top of your industry.

BDO has helped many clients preemptively address challenges and harness opportunities brought about by adopting new technologies and business processes. By working alongside organizations to help implement change management strategies, we can enable businesses to navigate and master transformation. Our consultants work closely and collaboratively with clients, helping to craft and execute a change management plan.

Change Management for AI Toolkit

Are adoption roadblocks slowing down your organization’s ability to implement AI solutions and keep up with competitors? 

Our Change Management for AI toolkit is designed to simplify user interactions and reduce the need for support, collectively ensuring a smooth transition, user proficiency and enhanced productivity. This toolkit provides a structured approach involving all stakeholders in the process, including a comprehensive change management plan, a communication strategy, new user training sessions and a quick reference guide.  

Request your Change Management for AI Toolkit today and see how our change management team can help with your AI implementation needs. 

How BDO Can Help

Technological change is inevitable, which is why BDO is committed to helping our clients master their transformation processes and become more adaptable. Our consultants will help you capture the full power of technology, enabling you to uncover new sources of revenue, implement sustainable growth and drive competitive advantage.

Our change management consultants work side by side with clients to address their transformation challenges, learning each organization's unique culture and opportunities. We understand your business has sector-specific needs, which is why we create tailored approaches that will help your organization maximize benefits while minimizing disruption to daily processes.

We work to ensure change is smoothly implemented and accepted throughout your organization. Our consultants can guide your employees through adoption, empowering them to feel confident in their roles. We will work with you to enable your team members to adopt and leverage new technologies to drive business success.


Project Management Focused on a Data Driven, Human Focused and Value Oriented Approach

The more extensive the project, the more critical the outcome, and -- now more than ever -- the more challenging to complete. With economic and trade uncertainties, changing regulatory requirements, and ongoing technological innovation, companies are finding it difficult to complete projects in a timely fashion and on-budget. Goals evolve. Possibilities expand. It takes specialized project management consulting experience to realize tangible value. 

Real-time projections, real-world solutions.

BDO has extensive experience with managing projects of varying sizes and scopes, within different methodologies, and across industries. Our project management process is driven by project-specific, real-time forecasts and uses data-driven insights that enable optimized planning and execution, and early risk identification. BDO Digital focuses not only on the tasks required to successfully deliver the project, but also on the people aspect of project change management; specifically, how to enable employees to engage, adopt and successfully leverage new technologies for the continued success of the organization.

BDO is flexible in how, where, and with whom we work. And we are agile enough to adapt to the unique business needs of each organization, fostering lasting value creation.

Humanizing Change

Transformation is disruptive. It can impact employees, customers, partners, and suppliers across the value chain. Certainly, new technology can make employees more productive, processes more efficient, and data more secure, but without an enablement and adoption strategy it is unlikely to be fully embraced no matter how great the promised benefits. Lack of buy-in is the primary reason that over 70% of digital initiatives fall short of expectations.

Creating a culture of positive change.

Our BDO team combines in-depth industry and technical experience with a broader understanding of how humans adapt to change. We evaluate a potential change within your organization in terms of both the change itself and the impact to the end users. BDO's tailored enablement and adoption approach is aligned with your overall objective and designed to help maximize adoption while minimizing disruption. We work to actively ensure change is being adopted across the value chain, one measured dose at a time.

Flexible Program Management with Experienced Program Managers

Once companies decide that a project requires outsourced resources, they must then make an equally important decision: Who is managing the project? The advantages to outsourced program management are undeniable: issue-specific experience; objectivity regarding personnel; strict budget accountability; unbiased visibility and escalation; along with up-to-date tools and methodologies, to name a few. And beyond that, by outsourcing, in-house management can focus their time on other business-critical issues. 

Real-world experience.

Program managers at BDO have experience overseeing projects of varying scopes across multiple industries. We understand the questions that need to be asked, and guide clients on the real-world challenges of scope, cost, and timing. On all engagements, the expectation is for our professionals to adapt to the needs of the client, not the other way around. 

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At BDO, you can do much more than fulfill your career ambitions — here, you can explore your full potential. That’s because we’re committed to helping our employees achieve on both personal and professional levels.