Renewable Energy Credits & Incentives

We help businesses identify, document, claim, and monetize tax credits and incentive opportunities related to ESG and sustainability.

Fueling a more sustainable future

Environmental and social sustainability is a business imperative – one that requires significant investment.

The good news for businesses exploring sustainability and ESG initiatives: governments at the international, federal, state, and local levels offer credits and incentives to encourage investment in renewable energy and other ESG initiatives. From the expansion of the longstanding Production and Investment Tax Credits to new clean energy incentives introduced by the Inflation Reduction Act, tax benefits for becoming more sustainable are growing exponentially.

We help clients accelerate their sustainability journey by capitalizing on energy tax credits and other incentives. Bringing together our ESG and tax professionals, we work with you to explore opportunities to fund renewable energy investments and offset the costs of transitioning to more sustainable business practices.  

Stay on top of the evolving renewable energy credits and incentives landscape and supercharge your initiatives.

How BDO Can Help

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Assess Eligibility 

Determine if you meet the criteria to apply for energy-related incentives and address gaps.

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Secure Funding

Capture cash grants and tax incentives to pay for sustainable investments.

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Monetize Tax Credits

Evaluate tax credit monetization options, including IRS Elective Pay and transferability.

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Reduce Costs 

Take advantage of tax breaks for going green to lower your tax liability and improve cash flow.

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Avoid Tax Penalties 

Mitigate your environmental impact to remain exempt from taxes targeting greenhouse gas emissions.

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Maintain Compliance

Track and report on your sustainability commitments to realize full incentive value.

How are you leveraging renewable energy tax credits?

Whether you are looking to generate credits, sell credits in exchange for cash, or purchase transferable credits to lower your total tax liability and contribute to sustainability initiatives, BDO can help.

Environmental Sustainability: Energy Tax Credits for Businesses

BDO can help you identify and claim Inflation Reduction Act tax credits and other renewable energy incentives. We help you determine credit eligibility, advise on how to qualify, and assist with credit computation, valuation, and supporting documentation. Opportunities include:

  • Section 45Q carbon oxide sequestration credit

  • Section 45 renewable electricity production tax credit (PTC)
  • Section 45U zero-emission nuclear power production credit
  • Section 45V clean hydrogen production credit
  • Section 45Y clean electricity production credit
  • Section 48 renewable energy investment tax credit (ITC)
  • Section 48E clean electricity investment credit

  • Section 45L energy efficient new homes credit 
  • Section 179D energy efficient commercial buildings deduction

  • Section 45X advanced manufacturing production credit
  • Section 48C qualifying advanced energy project credit

  • Section 30C alternative fuel refueling property credit
  • Section 40B sustainable aviation fuel credit
  • Section 45W qualified commercial clean vehicle credit
  • Section 45Z clean fuel production credit

A person talking to a group of people at a construction site

Social Sustainability: New Markets Tax Credit

For businesses investing in low-income communities, the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program subsidizes capital investments located in certain census tracts. Eligible projects that have strong community impacts may receive tax credit-subsidized loans. BDO provides end-to-end advisory services to help qualified low-income community businesses secure the NMTC benefit. We work directly with community development entities (CDEs) across the country, guiding you through the entire process so you can focus on your community development project.

Total Tax Transparency & Sustainability Tax Strategy

From tax contributions that fund key social benefits to environmental taxes and subsidies, tax plays a critical role in the sustainability and ESG conversation. Bring a total tax mindset to your strategy.

Business Incentives & Tax Credits Insights

Explore our most recent resources and thought leadership.

  • Industry
  • Asset Management
  • Auto Dealerships
  • Financial Institutions & Specialty Finance
  • Gaming & Leisure
  • Government & Public Sector
  • Government Contracting
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Life Sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Natural Resources
  • Nonprofit & Education
  • Private Equity
  • Professional Services
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Restaurants
  • Retail & Consumer Products
  • Technology

Stay current with our latest business incentives & tax credits insights.

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