Charity Resilience in a Post-COVID Environment


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Over the past few years, charities have seen a dramatic increase in the number of disasters, challenges, and disruptions that have impacted their ability to operate. Most notably, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the civil society space in unprecedented ways, testing the resilience of charities around the globe.

BDO, CAF America and Charities Aid Foundation have performed and published extensive survey research related to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on charity operations. Join us as our thought leaders engage in a discussion exploring charity resiliency in a post-pandemic environment and share findings from their respective research.

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Stacey Lesanto

Technical Support

+1 844-580-6963

BDO Employees

+1 844-580-6963



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Stacey Lesanto

Technical Support

+1 844-580-6963

BDO Employees

+1 844-580-6963


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